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Subdivide & Build – 2 x $100K PA Per Property Investment Brisbane – Strategy Case Study

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Subdivide & Build – 2 x $100K PA Per Property Investment Brisbane –  Strategy Case Study

In this data-driven deep dive video, Kevin Doodney breaks down how we strategically acquired, subdivided, and developed two high-yield rooming houses, each generating $100K+ per year.

What You'll Learn in This Case Study:

✔ Targeted Location Selection – How we identified a suitable site that met all investment criteria, including proximity to key amenities like a train station, to ensure strong rental demand and long-term value.
✔ Acquisition Strategy – How we unlocked an off-market deal and how we structured the negotiation with the landowner.
✔ Subdivision Process – Efficiently subdividing the land.
✔ Build Strategy – Why we chose brick rooming houses for long-term durability, low maintenance, and high occupancy rates.

📊 Want to implement a subdivide and rooming house build strategy? Book a 2025 Property Accelerator Strategy Session to discuss how we can assist you to subdivide, build, and scale your portfolio smarter.

Ready to Explore Rooming Houses?

Ready to Explore Rooming Houses?
If you’re like Billie Jo and her husband and want to combine savvy property investing with high social impact, reach out to High Yield Property Club today to discover how our team can support your journey.

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